Thursday, June 21, 2007

When will it end...

I was in an auto accident on 1/26/07. I was rear-ended while stopped on the interstate, causing me to hit the person in front of me. The person hitting me didn't see that traffic had stopped, so she was going quite fast. I have injuries that I'm still getting treated for and will expect to received treatment for, for the remainder of my adult life. Today, several months later, I discovered that my medical bills haven't been paid. The problem was that, somewhere in my pea brain, I thought that the insurance of the person who hit me was going to pay for it, and I had all my bills sent to their insurance claims department. Wrong. My med-pay was supposed to do the paying. So, God willing, as of today, all that has been fixed. Thank goodness for patient payees.

I'm not sure why insurance has to be so dang complicated, though. I mean, if you throw a baseball through a neighbor's window, your parents pay for it...if you knock over a glass vase, you replace know how it works - "you break it, you buy it." Why doesn't insurance work that way? No, with insurance, you have to pay for it yourself, THEN go through the hassle of requesting a reimbursement. I suppose this gives them room to argue charges and validity of it all. And in my case, they are going to want to argue why they should pay when a woman was going at highway speeds while the traffic in front of her was STOPPED. Erg. God, grant me the serenity...

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