Thursday, February 21, 2008

7 Strange Things About Me

I guess it's my turn again to be tagged. So, I'm going to completely copy the format of the tagger!

My friend Christie just tagged me on her blog Our Red Thread Journey!!! I am supposed to list 7 weird/strange things about me! I suppose the purpose of this exercise is to reveal wierd things about me that noone knows.

#1 - My favorite food is hot dogs. Not necessarily with the bun and the chili and mustard, etc., but more specifically, just the hot dog part. I'll eat them frozen, thawed, microwaved and/or boiled. I love 'em. I can eat a whole entire package in one sitting, but I choose not to do that anymore...the guilt just kills me!

#2 - I've never been to Europe. Being an opera singer and having never been to Europe is really an oddity. I'd love to go, and I have a savings account we refer to as my "Europe money," but with the euro the way it is, I may as well spend my money on something like plasma tv's.

#3 - I like to be as grammatically and 'punctually' correct as possible when I write emails or posts online. I like to capitalize the beginnings of my sentences, I like to insert apostrophes, and I don't use abbreviations like "c u soon" or "rotfl"...that drives me crazy. I'm actually a bit anal about it.

#4 - About 75% of the time, if I'm trying to choose a check-out lane at WalMart, I will choose the line that is about to have a problem...the cashier will need to do a price check or have to call her supervisor for an override, the customer doesn't have enough money and will need to return item by item, etc. I don't quite know why this is, but I'm learning how to immediately get a trashy magazine to read through BEFORE the problem arises. Oh, and changing lanes once a problem is evident doesn't always help...another problem will usually pop up in the new lane.

#5 - My biggest fear as a singer is thinking I'm going to forget my words. There have been times when I can't remember words and they come to me at literally the final last split seconds, times when, in a fit of frustration, I have inserted wrong words that still fit (even in foreign languages), and there have been times that I've had total blanks for a few measures. Nothing unsettles me on stage like forgetting my words.

#6 - I am an only child. Furthermore, I am the last of the Buchanan-named line. It all ends with me.

#7 - Other peoples' extraneous body hair in places other than on their body gives me the willies. Hair on the sink, in the tub, on chairs, on the carpet, etc., just gives me a weird feeling. And if I'm at a concert, and the person in front of me has a 'wild hair' on their clothing, I'm completely fixated on it almost the entire time and want very badly to remove it. If I can without being detected, I definitely will.

And again, since I don't really know anyone to tag, if you're reading this, you're it! :)

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